Well, that post title may be a little OTT, but I am delighted to report that the complete technical guidance for BREEAM 2008 will be available to the public from June (thanks to Tom Saunders for letting me know).
Also available for comment until 18 May is a discussion document which looks at how well three of the most highly regarded Environmental Assessment Methods; LEED, CASBEE and Green Star  ‘travel’ when compared to the local UK benchmark BREEAM. Download and comment here (registration required, 46pp. pdf plus 2 appendices). More on this when I get a chance to read it properly…
A related, but older (2004), document is available here (pdf, 118pp.), via bldgsim, an international Survey of Life-Cycle Assessment Tools, Assessment Frameworks, Rating Systems,Technical Guidelines, Catalogues, Checklists and Certificates. Includes LEED and BREEAM but not CASBEE or Greenstar.
In other news, Thomas Tredgold has risen from the grave and is commenting on blog posts and writing his own. Either that’s a nom de plume or a very fated young man…